Prevent Incidents Before They Happen: Using "Prevention Through Design"

11:00am ET

Workplace safety incidents have devastating impacts on employee health, undermine confidence in safety programs, and result in annual US costs of $171 billion according to a 2019 NSC estimate. But most companies still react to individual injuries, rather than follow a prevention-based strategy. This webinar will review the key elements of proactive, risk-based safety management, using the framework of the NIOSH initiative Prevention through Design (PtD) to reduce or eliminate risks at the source. We’ll also discuss the importance of a dynamic perspective that tracks the ways risks in one area of operations affect risks in others, and will include interactive exercises to identify risks in different scenarios. 

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • How incident prevention is part of a risk-focused approach to safety management as outlined by global standards such as ISO 45001
  • How to use the PtD framework to review equipment, job tasks, and the organization of work to identify and reduce risks before they can result in injuries
  • The importance of a comprehensive view of risk to maintaining a safety management system, and how EHS software can help employers more easily identify, track and control risks as operations change, and access the data they need to drive better decision making

If you're interested in other webinars, check out our Webinars page.

Register today for our upcoming webinar!










Prevent Incidents Before They Happen: Using "Prevention Through Design"

11:00am ET

Workplace safety incidents have devastating impacts on employee health, undermine confidence in safety programs, and result in annual US costs of $171 billion according to a 2019 NSC estimate. But most companies still react to individual injuries, rather than follow a prevention-based strategy. This webinar will review the key elements of proactive, risk-based safety management, using the framework of the NIOSH initiative Prevention through Design (PtD) to reduce or eliminate risks at the source. We’ll also discuss the importance of a dynamic perspective that tracks the ways risks in one area of operations affect risks in others, and will include interactive exercises to identify risks in different scenarios. 

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • How incident prevention is part of a risk-focused approach to safety management as outlined by global standards such as ISO 45001
  • How to use the PtD framework to review equipment, job tasks, and the organization of work to identify and reduce risks before they can result in injuries
  • The importance of a comprehensive view of risk to maintaining a safety management system, and how EHS software can help employers more easily identify, track and control risks as operations change, and access the data they need to drive better decision making

If you're interested in other webinars, check out our Webinars page.

Register today for our upcoming webinar!